
5. pan out 以某种方式发展 Maybe in the future sometime. I don’t know. With someone else. Get to see how it pans out. Ok? 也许就在未来某一天,会遇到什么人,我也不知道,拭目以...

教书教得有趣时,学生反应令人神往;译诗译得神来时,读者反应令人入迷——这奠定了他翻译学术思想的基础。 许渊冲曾将《诗经》《唐诗三百首》等译成英法文,将“三民主义”译为“of the pe...

Sarah: Love you. Mom: They're fabulous! Marley: I want you to have these. Peter: Am I making you hot? What kind ofcologneis that? He wasflirting withme. Sarah: Oh, boy. You're so weird. Marley: Hey. There's amaternity departmentupstairs. Want to ch...

Zheng:If so, then the attempt will turn out in failure. Ideally, there shouldn’t be any contradiction. Others should be able to not only identify your theme and the “thou...

Then, out of the comer of my eye, I saw the ___19___ piece of beef pizza. I got so excited. “Beef pizza, please,” I said politely. Mrs Martin handed me the pizza. I took ...

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